Monday, October 3, 2011

Clara's 5th Birthday Party

It was raining out, so Beni the Llama wiped his feet and
came inside the Hirsch house. He was really well behaved!

Clara (in the center in the blue shirt and skirt) was excited
to have Beni the Llama at her birthday party.

Tyler did not want to go near the llama, but Michael,
Ziggy, and I wanted a family photo with Beni.

Tyler crawling through the princess tent and tunnel.

Tyler and Viola making art.
Tyler had a blast with this car until he rolled it down
the stairs and we had to take it away from him.

The birthday gift opening melee! 5-year olds have no concept
of personal space, hover as close as they can to see better,
and all wanted the birthday girl to open their present next!

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