Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Zoo Lights

We took advantage of the break in the rain and the mild temperatures last night and checked out the Zoo Lights. We knew Tyler would enjoy it because he gets excited about all the Christmas lights he sees when we are out after dark.

Tyler posed with the bear but wouldn't give him a high five when I held him up to the bear paw. He was a little traumatized by the live Rudolph, which was actually a person in a furry outfit. He waved to Rudolph from a distance but cried when I tried to get closer.

We rode the zoo train. At first Tyler seemed a little overstimulated by all the lights and he was also hungry. But after a little snack he really started perking up by the end of the train ride and calling out "Choo choo!"

Family self-portrait on the train

The goat seemed amused that Tyler kept calling out "Baaaaaaaa." This was one of the few animals that is viewable at night while Zoo Lights is going on.

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