Wednesday, October 27, 2010

First Parent-Teacher Conference

We had our first parent-teacher conference at daycare today. It was great to hear how our amazing little boy has been developing particularly over the summer. Some things were consistent with what we see at home while others were surprises. Some highlights:
  • Tyler was quite shy for a while and played by himself but now he loves to play with the other kids.
  • Tyler and his buddy Joshua both love trucks and when Joshua arrives at school Tyler immediately gives him one of the trucks so they can both push them around the classroom.
  • Tyler likes to line cars up in a line. If anyone moves them out of the line he gets upset and puts the cars back in a line. (I think there is nothing wrong with a little order! Gee- I wonder where he gets this from.)
  • Tyler does not like to get messy. (He definitely gets this from Michael!) He is hesistant to participate in messy activities like finger painting but often joins in after he sees how much fun all the other kids are having. He will paste pieces of paper together only if his teacher applies the glue!
  • Apart from the messy parts, Tyler really likes art projects.
  • Tyler loves circle time when Ms. Clarybell reads to the kids and they sing songs and dance. He often says "Yay!" about the books and songs and likes to do all the hand movements that go with the songs.
  • Apparently Tyler is a rule enforcer. When he sees other kids doing things they are not supposed to he will say, "No! Nooooo!". Tyler also says "No! Nooooo!" when Ms. Clarybell says "Tyler" and gives him a look that he is not supposed to be doing something.
  • It turns out Tyler has not been using a pacifier during his naps at daycare for several months now. That was definitely news to us because he still uses a pacifier during naps at home and at bedtime. We have been debating when to wean him off the pacifier and it sounds like the time is here.

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