Sunday, September 12, 2010

Softball Tournament

The annual softball tournament that my office softball team plays in was yesterday. Sadly we were not able to defend our championship and ultimately lost in an extra inning during our fifth game of the tournament. The team that beat us moved on to the championship game. We had a few really close games that were nailbiters and as always it was a fun day. Plus we had fabulous weather! After playing five games I am pretty sore today! Michael and Tyler came out to watch the action. Tyler mostly ran around, kicked and threw his soccer ball, collected softballs that were lying around, and spent some time on the playground.

Tyler did sit still for brief periods of time- mostly if it was time for a snack or a PB&J dinner. He did try out his new chair (left side of photo), but why sit in the little chair when the adult chair is available?

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