Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Zoo Lights
We took advantage of the break in the rain and the mild temperatures last night and checked out the Zoo Lights. We knew Tyler would enjoy it because he gets excited about all the Christmas lights he sees when we are out after dark.
Tyler posed with the bear but wouldn't give him a high five when I held him up to the bear paw. He was a little traumatized by the live Rudolph, which was actually a person in a furry outfit. He waved to Rudolph from a distance but cried when I tried to get closer.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Tyler has started saying "Cheese!" without any prompting when I break out the camera. This is great when I want a posed photo with a smile, but it definitely makes it harder to capture random shots of Tyler when he is absorbed in an activity and I don't want him to notice the camera.
Fire Trucks
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tubes in Ears
Today Tyler had tubes put in his ears to help drain fluid better until his ears develop more. He has had a whopping 7 ear infections in 2010 (3 in the spring, 1 in the summer, and 3 this fall)! The poor little guy had to be put under local anesthetic but the good news is that the procedure went well (and quickly) and he didn't seem to be in any pain today.
Pre-surgery was traumatic though! Tyler did not understand why he wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything this morning. We showed up to check in at 7:30 and I kept distracting him in the lobby every time he started getting fussy about wanting food. Close to 8:30 he finally broke down in a full screaming/crying/flailing limbs tantrum. Of course that's when they called us in to prep for the procedure. Tyler would not be consoled and did not want to be held and continued the screaming and flailing in the prep room. In order to get Tyler to take some valium and Tylenol, the nurses swaddled him in a blanket to restrain his arms. I held the swaddle together in a quasi-hug while one nurse pushed his cheeks together and held his nose (to force him to swallow) and another nurse squirted the meds into his mouth. Tyler still managed to spit at least 1/3 of the medicine out but after about 5 minutes he fell asleep. (Did I mention that Tyler woke up at 5 am this morning? He normally wakes up around 6:30 or 7.) The combo of the meds, getting up early, and all the screaming finally knocked him out, which made the anesthesiologist's job easier. Luckily the nurses said the meds would make him forget all the trauma!
When Tyler woke up after surgery he happily wolfed down the apple juice and graham crackers the nurse gave him. He was so perky on the way to the car that you wouldn't have known he'd had minor surgery. He remained his normal playful little self the rest of the day. What a little trooper!
Pre-surgery was traumatic though! Tyler did not understand why he wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything this morning. We showed up to check in at 7:30 and I kept distracting him in the lobby every time he started getting fussy about wanting food. Close to 8:30 he finally broke down in a full screaming/crying/flailing limbs tantrum. Of course that's when they called us in to prep for the procedure. Tyler would not be consoled and did not want to be held and continued the screaming and flailing in the prep room. In order to get Tyler to take some valium and Tylenol, the nurses swaddled him in a blanket to restrain his arms. I held the swaddle together in a quasi-hug while one nurse pushed his cheeks together and held his nose (to force him to swallow) and another nurse squirted the meds into his mouth. Tyler still managed to spit at least 1/3 of the medicine out but after about 5 minutes he fell asleep. (Did I mention that Tyler woke up at 5 am this morning? He normally wakes up around 6:30 or 7.) The combo of the meds, getting up early, and all the screaming finally knocked him out, which made the anesthesiologist's job easier. Luckily the nurses said the meds would make him forget all the trauma!
When Tyler woke up after surgery he happily wolfed down the apple juice and graham crackers the nurse gave him. He was so perky on the way to the car that you wouldn't have known he'd had minor surgery. He remained his normal playful little self the rest of the day. What a little trooper!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Santa Express
Hmm.. what's in this box?
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Hug Police
This morning while Michael and I were hugging, Tyler (with a gleam in his eye) pointed his finger at us and said, "No. No. No." in a singsong voice. We said, "Yes. Yes. Yes."
Friday, December 3, 2010
Dear PawPaw
My dad sent me a text message this morning that said, "PawPaw got this Christmas request from Tyler: one 8'x8' sandbox with ladder to fort level with cookie bar with exterior, monkey bars, swing, and slide with adjacent above ground heated pool." Ha! My dad has been trying to convince me that all little boys need a sandbox in their backyard. Maybe in locations where it doesn't rain much!
Christmas Carols
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The cell phones are all mine!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
More Sleep Eating
Apparently Tyler was more tired than we thought when we gave him lunch today. He started nodding off while eating and finally gave us the "all done" sign, which is pretty much the only sign he learned when we tried to teach him baby sign language months ago.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Are you ready for some football?
This morning Tyler climbed up onto the couch and with the remote in one hand and the Xbox controller in the other he looked at me and said, "Football!" The TV wasn't even on but that little smart guy knew there was some football to be watched today.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
So tired...
Friday, November 12, 2010
We have not pulled out the Lil' Quad in a while but took it to the park this afternoon. We mostly stayed on the paved path; however, while Tyler has the hang of holding down the button he has not quite grasped the concept of steering it.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Neatness is Awesome!
According to Tyler's daycare teacher he is one of the only toddlers who helps her clean up around the classroom. Maybe our little guy takes after me! I know my dad is groaning as he reads this. When Tyler was an infant he wrote him a song called Neatness is Overrated. Maybe Tyler thinks neatness is underrated... We shall see!
First Crush?
Apparently yesterday at daycare Tyler and Emma held hands and walked around the table together. And apparently this morning Tyler was on the lookout for Emma and even said "Emma" when she arrived. What a little sweetheart!
Yay for Waffles!
Okay, so it was minimal effort to heat up a frozen waffle... but I will take my applause where I can get it!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
New Words- Part 2
I forgot some of the other new words Tyler has been saying- nose, teeth, up, milk, and blue. I should note that many of these words are up for interpretation (e.g. he doesn't say the k on milk). Tyler has been attempting to say yes (but sounds more like ice) when I ask him a question and ask him to tell me yes or no.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Where did that come from?
New Words
Tyler's vocabulary keeps expanding. The latest additions include ball, duck, bird, baby, and mine. I don't think Tyler even knows what mine means. He just keeps repeating it loudly over and over about nothing in particular.
Leggo My Eggo
Tyler loves waffles! Often we give him a waffle with syrup at breakfast along with yogurt. It has been hard for him to understand that the waffles start out frozen and need to be cooked even though I have let him touch the waffle while frozen. Three minutes in the toaster is an eternity to a hungry toddler. Yesterday at the grocery store Tyler started crying when I put a box of waffles in the cart without whipping one out for him to eat. Today he came across an ad in the paper for waffles and got really excited.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Don't Go Daddy!
Clipping Coupons
I am not wearing that Mommy!
Tyler is starting to develop an opinion about what he wears. A few days ago he did not like it when I put overalls on him. I don't know if that means he is done with overalls or he just didn't like the brown corduroy ones I had picked out. Tyler also prefers his sneakers over his blue and gray shoes and does not care if I suggest the blue and gray shoes match his outfit better. Ultimately I know it is good for Tyler to develop his own style but I love picking out his little outfits! Plus, we have lots of hand-me-downs.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Loves to Dance
Tyler knows our alarm clock/iPod dock plays music and so when he wants some tunes he usually points to it or more often that not starts pushing buttons. And yes Tyler asked me to put his sneakers on while he was still in his pajamas! After dancing a while Tyler rummaged through my closet to look for more shoes to put on. My favorite part of this video is that Tyler closed the closet door after he pulled out a pair shoes. He obviously gets this from me! ; )
Pacifier Free
Tyler has been pacifier free for a week now. Woo hoo! It has actually been easier to wean him than we thought. We had mostly been giving Tyler the pacifier for naps and bedtime. Tyler has already been sleeping with a blankie for a while so when we took away the pacifier we added two stuffed animals to his bed and he is already attached to Wendell the Whale. Tyler has been fussiest in the morning when waking up and post-nap but I am sure that will dissipate over time. But then again I'm rarely Ms. Sunshine when I wake up in the morning!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Pants are Overrated
Sunday, October 31, 2010
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Halloween |
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Happy Halloween!

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