Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Upcoming Holiday Visitors

We are looking forward to family visiting over the holidays- Michael's parents and sisters/family will be here for Thanksgiving and my parents are coming for Christmas. My Dad sent me the following poem along with his travel itinerary:

'Twas the week before Christmas, and all through the house,
There was a sigh of relief from recovering from Thanksgiving visitors
Everyone was exhausted, even the mouse!

When what before my wondering eyes would appear,
was an AOL e-mail, that filled me with fear!
What! Grandparents again, visiting right away.
No relief for the weary, not even on Christmas day!

No chance to decline, or make a good excuse,
Left victimized by holiday Grandparental abuse.
It's payback time for many a Christmas past ...
And this Christmas will not be the last.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Renee, that poem is amazing:)
    I have enjoyed watching the little Tyler video I know what will await me in my near future. Hope things are great. Benny is developing fast as well...
    Say Hi to Michael from us.
    Frieda and gang:)
