Sunday, November 22, 2020

Turkey Creek

We did a nice hike today on the Turkey Creek trail. Daphne was in her element and enthusiastically led the way a good portion of the hike. In more urban settings we usually hear about how tired her legs are!

Top Dog


Daphne crowned Tyler with her Top Dog hat from
school when Tyler got the Snoopy question correct
in Jackbox.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020


Hazel and Penny spent the night on Saturday night so that Brad and Megan could have a date night. There was lots of giggling!

All set with popcorn and snugglies to watch Iron Giant

Massage chain!

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Tyler the Gamer


This is Tyler in his natural habitat: playing Xbox on the spinning chair of comfy-ness, wearing PJ bottoms and no shirt but wrapped in blankets, and yesterday wearing his taco hat f(rom his recent soccer tournament) for no known reason