Tuesday, August 20, 2019

First Day of School

We may be in the middle of one of the hottest summers ever but the kids went back to school today. Tyler wished he had another week off to recover from his soccer tournament. Daphne said another month off would be better.

2nd Grade & 5th Grade this year;
Last year at same school for a long time

Kindergarten vs. 5th Grade

Pre-K vs. 2nd Grade

They re-did the bus routes and stops. Now we
have to walk much farther, whereas we were
only 3 houses away in previous years.

Hot and flush after getting dropped off much
lower in the pecking order than previous years.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Soccer: Houston Youth Cup 2019

Soccer season kicked off last week. We all headed to the Woodlands this past weekend for the first tournament of the season. It was very hot and naturally the boys had to wear all black for all three games. They cooled off in the hotel pool on Saturday afternoon. We also took in the Houston Dynamo-Colorado Rapids soccer game on Saturday night. The Dynamo came from behind in the second half to tie up the game 2-2.

Getting a halftime pep talk

Tyler in action

Trying to catch shade whenever possible

Pre-game at BBVA Compass Stadium

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Watch Ya Mouth!

Playing Watch Ya Mouth with Lucy and Lincoln

Saturday, August 3, 2019


A few days ago Daphne said, "When my fish dies, can I get a snake?"