Saturday, November 25, 2017


Soccer season wrapped up recently and Team Mexico finished undefeated with an 8-0 record.

Top row: Ryan, Ryan, Gavin, Coach Shawn, Esteban, Jack,
Lincoln; Bottom row: Tyler, Beckett, Jacob, and Colton

Lined up for medals

Tyler bit his medal since that is what the Olympians do

My Little Shopper

You never know where Daphne will ask me to take her photo; although the Target dog is a given.

3rd Grade Performance

A few weeks ago the third grade put on a musical performance about a tour through the rain forest. Tyler did not volunteer for any of the individual speaking or singing parts because he doesn't like being put on the spot but did a great job in the chorus singing and dancing.

Sunday, November 12, 2017



I thought we had outgrown these crazy car shopping carts but Daphne wanted in. Tyler rolled his eyes but still helped push the cart anyway.

Conflicted Aggie

Daphne (double horns with Aggie shirt) & Avery

Longhorns and Gig 'em

Crowe's Nest Farm

The kindergarteners recently went to Crowe's Nest Farm for their first field trip.

Learning about dairy cows

Hay ride

Daphne pretends to sit on the pig's nose from afar

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Although a little damp, the kids enjoyed trick or treating with friends from our neighborhood. Tyler was the Master Chief from Halo and we camouflaged one of his Nerf guns to complete the outfit. Daphne was a three-headed dragon. One head was a hood and the other two heads were on her hands. Thankfully the weather was cool or she would have been boiling in her costume.

There was a scary cute dragon hiding in our bushes!

Daphne and Tyler- hard to tell with hoods and masks!

Lincoln, Tyler, Lucy, and Daphne

Tyler and Jackson

Baby Cow Matthew drinking his milk
with a substitute udder

A motley crew!

Michael pretends to steal Tyler's only Heath bar

Quite a loot!

Cue the evil cackle

Pumpkin Decorating

The kindergarteners made lots of fun Halloween crafts at school on the morning of Halloween.

Daphne gave her pumpkin 4 faces.

Sheriff Daphne

Daphne went to a fun Nerf gun themed birthday party recently. Each kid was equipped with a Sheriff's sticker with their name on it, a bandana, goggles, and a duct tape ammo belt. The ammo belt was quite genius as the sticky side faced out so you could directly stick the bullets on the belt.

Daphne ready for action

Shooting at targets