Sunday, November 27, 2016

Take My Picture!

Daphne loves to run around Target and ask me to take her picture (in addition to the many items she wants Santa to bring her).

Posing with the Target dog statue is a
favorite photo spot for Daphne

So soft!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

I Voted

In the spirit of Election Day, the second grade held their own election today. The kids got to taste chocolate Oreos and golden Oreos and cast their vote for their favorite. Chocolate won by a landslide in Tyler's class. That sounds like a way more fun election than the presidential race!

Angry Drivers

Recently on the news there was a report that said that female drivers are 10% angrier than male drivers. Tyler thinks that number should be closer to 15 to 20% and that I am probably 25% angrier than male drivers.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Science & Nature Center

A few days ago I went on Daphne's field trip to the Science & Nature Center. The kids learned about many animals and even got to pet some. Our time outside was cut short by a rain storm and the kids got a little stir crazy indoors but still had fun. We all got drenched on the walk back to the parking lot. The kids did not mind at all and liked splashing in the puddles.

Excited to be riding the school bus

Petting a snake

Cloud the Bunny

Dino Pit

The kids only got a few minutes in the Dino Pit
before it started raining

Daphne's brave face standing next to the tarantula exhibit