Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Jamie and Allie

The kids were thrilled when my dad brought his cocker spaniels, Jamie and Allie, last weekend when he came to help out with the move. Tyler liked petting the dogs and taking them for walks with my dad. Daphne was constantly chasing the dogs to hug or pet them. Jamie and Allie weren't so sure they wanted so much attention from Daphne since she is still learning to be gentle.

Daphne kept putting her blanket on Jamie and
then leaning down on her for a long hug.

Daphne had a long conversation with Allie
through the glass in the back door.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Tyler has been drawing pictures of hearts for me because he says he knows I like hearts. It is really sweet!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Our New House

The kids would be happy living anywhere
as long as they were able to watch cartoons!
Friday was moving day! We had local movers haul all our stuff from our apartment and storage unit to the house. The kids have been having fun exploring the house and discovering stuff that has been in storage. We put a bunch of their toys in storage back in March to de-clutter our last house before listing it on the market and then we put more stuff in storage when we moved into the apartment.

Tyler is really excited to have his own room again because he has been sharing with Daphne the past two years. Daphne is not so sure about having her own room. She has been pretty upset at bedtime the past two nights and I think she is suffering a little separation anxiety since she has always had the comfort of Tyler in the same room.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Hurtado Family as Drawn by Tyler

What a good looking bunch!

Sharp Dressed Man

This morning after Tyler put on pants and a tie dye t-shirt:
Tyler: Mommy, am I sharp dressed man?
Me: Yes you are. Do you like the ZZ Top song Sharp Dressed Man?
Tyler: Yes, because it has a man in it.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Peace and Quiet

cartoons + snack = happy kids
And a happy Mama who got to make dinner in peace!

Flowers for Mommy

After school yesterday Tyler told me that he had picked flowers for me. He then produced two tiny purple flowers from his pocket. It was really sweet! Then Tyler told me that they are not allowed to bring flowers or any other part of nature in from the playground and that's why him and one of his buddies put the flowers in their pockets so they wouldn't get caught.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Story Time

The kids and I went to story time at the library this morning. Tyler and I were sitting cross-legged side-by-side and before Tyler knew what was happening Daphne plopped down and sat in his lap. She had the biggest grin on her face. Tyler didn't look so thrilled. So then Tyler leaned back and laid on the ground and Daphne giggled as she leaned back and laid on Tyler. Awwww!


The kids were pretty stoked to pick out new slippers yesterday. Tyler tried to convince Daphne to get shark slippers too but she opted for bunnies. Later in the day Daphne paraded around in Tyler's shark slippers. Maybe she knew what she was doing all along!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Like me, Daphne loves to chomp on ice. Of course since most ice is a choking hazard at it's normal size we have to crush it really small. I think Daphne particularly likes the ice because her 2-year molars are growing in and the ice probably feels really good on her gums.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Mischievous Monkey

Daphne likes to get into mischief, such as squeezing into tight spots. She does things Tyler never dreamed of at this age. After watching my dad and I mark measurements on the dining room wall for a chair rail, Daphne somehow managed to get a hold of our pencil and scribble on the wall and window trim. Thankfully it is a room I had planned on painting anyway.

Home Depot shopping cart or jungle gym?

Distracted Driving Starts Early

Miss Manners

We have been trying unsuccessfully to get Daphne to stop putting her feet on the table when she is eating.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Trick or Treat

We took the kids trick-or-treating on our new street even though we won't be moving in for a few more weeks. We met a lot of nice neighbors and the kids had a blast. The kids were a little tired when we started and Tyler was a little timid about ringing strange doorbells. But after getting candy at the first house both Tyler and Daphne were pretty pumped.
In front of the new house

Tyler, Michael, Daphne, PawPaw, Abeulita, and Abuelito

Why do you keep stopping me to take photos?
We must get to the next house quickly!

Daphne wanted to lug her own bag around

Trunk or Treat

On Halloween morning the kids' school had a Trunk or Treat event. A bunch of parents, including me, decorated the trunks of our vehicles and then each class came by the trunks to get treats. They collected their treats in treat bags that they had decorated.

I decorated my trunk with ghosts
dressed up for Halloween.

Daphne is inspecting her lollipops to see if
she can get them open and into her mouth.

Tyler was grinning from ear to ear.

Tyler and Daphne with PawPaw. We're still not sure
what PawPaw was dressed up as but his shirt read,
"You can't scare me, I have grandkids."