Sunday, January 29, 2012

Friday, January 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Michael's birthday is today. Tyler helped me make cupcakes and as you can see he thoroughly enjoyed eating them. He is getting excited that his third birthday is coming up soon.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Boys are Always Young at Heart

Christopher and Tyler were captivated by the infant rainforest
and hung out in it far longer than I would have expected.

From above it looks like they are playing Twister!

Calvin was too busy snacking to
squeeze into the rainforest too.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Now Weighing In...

Daphne went in today for a 1-month weight check. She is up to a whopping 8 lb 1 oz and has been wearing newborn clothes, which probably won't fit for much longer. Even though her original due date is still a week away, Daphne definitely does not look like a preemie anymore. I was 8 lb at birth and have included a photo. It's too soon to tell who Daphne looks like, but she definitely has my chin and Michael's ears. Her eyes are a really dark blue but we're guessing they will eventually turn brown since Michael comes from a long line of brown eyes. Tyler's eyes were a dark purple at this stage before ultimately going brown.
Daphne at 8 lb 1 oz

Renee at birth at 8 lb

Night Owl

Last night was the second night in a 3-day period that Daphne was awake for a 2+ hour time period in the middle of the night! I hope she doesn't keep this up.

Don't Call Me Sweetheart

Michael's mom called Tyler sweetheart today. Tyler said, "I'm not a sweetheart. I'm just a big brother."

Crazy Train

Tyler and I rocked out to Crazy Train in the car today. Tyler asked me to turn it louder and being the train fan that he is he liked the "I'm going off the rails on a crazy train" lyrics.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Tummy Time

So far Daphne tolerates tummy time much better than Tyler ever did. A few times when I have propped her up with her elbows right under her body she has even rolled over onto her back.

Abuelita & Abuelito are Here!

Michael's parents flew in from Texas today. Tyler was particularly excited to make another trip to the airport.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Nana and PawPaw

Tyler, Nana, PawPaw, and Daphne
My parents flew back to Texas today. It was great to have them here and I know Tyler had lots of fun and Daphne enjoyed being held.

Pretty Cool

This evening Tyler told us, "Daphne has a pretty cool big brother."

The Rules

Earlier today when I was telling Tyler that he couldn't do something, I told him that Mommy and Daddy make the rules and Tyler has to follow them. Tyler replied, "Mommy and Daddy don't make the rules. Tyler makes the rules."

Friday, January 20, 2012


My parents took Tyler to OMSI this morning now that he has recovered from his stomach bug. Tyler had so much fun that he fell asleep in the car on the way home.
Tyler spent a good chunk of time in the sand box

Covering PawPaw's feet with sand

Throwing balls into the water vortex

Having a snack with Nana


Tyler has adjusted pretty well to having a baby sister. He definitely has some flashes of jealousy and wants to be held more. We have been making sure to spend lots of quality time with him and giving him lots of extra hugs. Today when I read to Tyler before his nap he said, "I want to sit on your lap just like Daphne."

Tyler is definitely sweet and gentle with Daphne. He is very curious about everything she does and likes to watch when we change her diaper and feed her.

Nicknames Part 2

Today my dad called Daphne "The Dapher" and Tyler said, "No PawPaw. It's Daphne Doodle."

Cold and Flu Season

Tyler on his quarantined section of the
sofa recovering from a stomach bug.
So far we have been able to avoid getting Daphne sick. Tyler was getting over a cold when she came home from the hospital, I had some sort of sinus infection about a week after Daphne came home, and Tyler just had some sort of stomach bug on Wednesday and Thursday.

Nana is Here!

Nana and Daphne
My mom was able to fly in on Wednesday. Tyler was very excited to pick her up at the airport with PawPaw.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


We have been getting snow flurries on and off the past few days and every once in a while some of it sticks. Sunday afternoon we ventured out to play in the big flakes that were sticking.

Trying to catch snow flakes on his tongue

It's hard to say who was more excited about
the snow- Tyler or Michael

Michael helped Tyler make snow
balls and Tyler enjoyed throwing
them at Mommy and Daddy

First Bath

Daphne was not wild about her first bath. It probably does
not help that it is pretty cold right now.

Daphne was much happier once wrapped up in her towel.

Tyler enjoyed watching all the action.

PawPaw and His Buddies

Gym class

Snuggle time

Go Texans! Too bad they couldn't hold off the Ravens...

Tyler decided he wanted to help make cookies after all.
PawPaw thinks this batch is particularly tasty beause Tyler
added the flour from about 2 feet above the mixing bowl.

Ready for the cookies to go in the oven

Exploring the Rain Forest

It has been fun breaking out all of Tyler's old baby stuff. It is hard to believe now that he was ever as little as Daphne!

Standing Up for Mommy

Yesterday when my dad starting tickling me, Tyler stopped him by saying, "PawPaw! Mommy is recovering from surgery!" That's my boy!


My dad has always loved nicknames. Ever since some time in grade school he has called me some variation of Frog: Frog, Froggie, the Frogster, Froggie Frog Frog, and in recent years Mama Frog. My dad has been coaching Tyler on nicknames. Yesterday as they were returning to the house from an outing, Tyler said to my dad, "Let's go say hi to Mama Frog and hi to Daphne Doodle." Yes- my dad has been trying to get Tyler to say Daffy Doodle but fortunately Tyler refuses to substitute Daffy for Daphne.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Sleeping on Mommy

Children's Museum

PawPaw took Tyler to the Children's Museum yesterday.
Playing with the jumbo Legos in the Lego exhibit. Apparently
another little girl knocked over this wall that Tyler built while
Tyler was still working on it. Luckily the wall stayed together
and so PawPaw was able to bring it back upright.

Budding transportation engineer?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Tummy Time

Daphne has started having more alert periods whereas previously she would pretty much wake up to eat and then go back to sleep. Of course she has also decided she really likes to be held and lets us know it!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Last week Tyler was excited that he was going to make
cookies with PawPaw. Today Tyler decided he just wanted
to watch and then he wouldn't even try the cookies. So fickle!

PawPaw and Daphne

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2 Weeks Old

Daphne is 2 weeks old today and had a great check-up with her pediatrician:
  • Weight: 6 lb 0 oz (3rd percentile)
  • Length: 19 in (8th percentile)
  • Head Circumference: 13 in (2nd percentile)
Daphne lost 10 oz of weight after birth, which is typical, and is now back up above her birth weight, which is fantastic.

Monday, January 9, 2012

PawPaw is Here!

My Dad flew in today and Tyler has been bouncing off the walls and giggling since. He was too excited to nap this afternoon and so he crashed hard without a fight at bedtime.

Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2034

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Open Eyes


Daphne had a nice long alert period after one of her feedings today and so naturally I took a ton of photos. These are my favorites.

Monster Truck

This is by far the tallest monster
truck that Tyler has built yet!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Big Brother

So far Tyler has handled being a new big brother pretty well. He asks lots of questions about Daphne's eating and sleeping habits and has offered to share toys with her. Tyler has also asked to hold her but is typically ready to give her back after a minute or two.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

One Week Old

Daphne has been wearing Tyler's preemie clothes. We have
girl clothes once she reaches newborn size (some may already
fit) but it didn't seem worth it to get girly preemie clothes.
Daphne is one week old today. That means only four weeks to go until her due date. Because she is a preemie we have to be really careful about taking her to public places and exposing her to germs, particulary since it is still cold and flu season. That means we'll mostly be staying home the next month. However, both sides of the family will be visiting over the next 5 weeks and should keep Tyler very entertained. Daphne will mostly sleep. Right now she pretty much wakes up to eat and then goes back to sleep.

Boy vs. Girl

I love Tyler, but this time around it has been nice not to worry about circumcision or getting sprayed during diaper changes!


This evening when Tyler and Michael were playing together, Tyler gave Michael numerous instructions for how he should play. One time Tyler concluded by saying, "You have to be organized." Michael laughed and shot me the "our son is as nuts as you" look!