Monday, August 29, 2011


At Target this afternoon Tyler decided he wanted to help push the cart instead of riding in it. Unlike previous cart pushing experiences, Tyler was okay letting me help him steer. Usually, I have to steer every now and then to prevent him from running into other people/carts/corners/etc. and then Tyler throws a fit because he doesn't want any help. While we were pushing along today in unison, Tyler reminded me, "Watch out for people Mommy. Don't run into anyone." It's good to know that he actually listens to me sometimes and remembers what I say.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Michael was napping on the couch earlier and Tyler put two of his blankets on top of Michael to keep him warm and put his stuffed beaver in the crook of Michael's arm to keep him company.

Dahlia Festival

Naturally Tyler was drawn to the tractor!
We explored the rows and rows of dahlias at the Dahlia Festival today. Tyler had fun kicking the dirt along the trail. And Tyler is so conditioned to being photographed that a number of times he stood at the end of a row of dahlias and said, "Take my picture Mommy! Cheese!"

Tattoo or Sticker?

Yesterday Tyler pointed to the tattoo on my big toe.
Tyler: "What's that?"
Me: "That's a tattoo of the Aggie logo. It's not one of the smarter things I did in college."
Tyler, while pinching at the tattoo: "I want to pick it off."

Fun at the Park

Taking turns shooting the water cannon. Some of the kids
needed some gentle reminding that it's nice to take turns!

This is as wet as Tyler got. He gingerly put his feet underneath
one of the small sprays of water low to the ground.

Jack and Tyler on the big kid swings. Both baby swings were
occupied and I must say Tyler held on pretty well. Of course, I
didn't push him nearly as high though.

Loving the see-saw!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Random Tyler Statements

"There's a truck [SUV]. He's a farmer."

"I'm going to jump over cars with my bike."

Tyler: "I am a spiderman."
Me: "What does a spiderman do?"
Tyler: "He plays in the grass. And shoots basketballs. And plays games."

Playing with Calvin

Sliding buddies

Mommy, look at me! (I hear this phrase non-stop.)

Building a bark dust mound
Tyler can be bossy. He is extremely bossy around Michael and me. Around his friends he can also be bossy but it is much milder. If you listen closely at the end of the video you can hear Tyler instruct along with hand gestures, "Calvin! Go up the stairs. Down the slide. Right there."

Sunday, August 21, 2011


This morning we asked Tyler if he wanted to go for a bike ride. Naturally he said yes. Tyler also told us that he wanted to pull his baby sister in the bike trailer behind his bike. It's a little early for that, but what a sweet thought.

Potty Progress

We do not think Tyler is quite ready for hard-core potty training just yet, but he is definitely making progress. During the past week or so he has started telling us a few times a day he needs to go potty and then has actually peed in the potty. And today he asked to go potty at a public restroom! We still need to work on the pooping because he either doesn't tell us he has gone in his diaper or he tells us afterward.

Lil' Aggie

This morning Michael put on an Aggie t-shirt and so Tyler insisted that he wear his Aggie shirt and shorts today. Later in the day when I tickled Tyler's belly, he said, "No tickling Mommy! Be nice to the Aggie shirt."

Furry Friends

Tyler loves being buried in his stuffed animals.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Mr. Contradiction

When I pulled into the grocery store parking lot there was a large box truck/tractor-trailer/big rig (whatever you want to call it) parked at the rear.
Me: "There is a box truck."
Tyler: "Not a box truck! That's a tractor-trailer!

When we came back out of the store...
Tyler: "There's a box truck!"


Lately Tyler thinks it is funny to pretend to sneeze: "Ah. Ah. Choo!" (as he buries his nose in his arm)... giggle, giggle...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Good Dancer- Part 2

I caught Tyler on video tonight with his latest dancing grooves. If you listen closely you can hear Tyler say "I'm a good dancer" numerous times.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I'm a Good Dancer

We play music every night while Tyler brushes his teeth and he dances while he brushes. Tonight, Tyler kept repeating "I'm a good dancer!" while watching himself bust a move in our full-length mirrors.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Rock Star

I had the radio on this evening while I was making dinner. Tyler was entertaining himself with his makeshift drum (coffee can and unsharpened pencils). While Motley Crue's "Kickstart My Heart" was playing, I heard Tyler banging away on his drum and he exclaimed, "I am a rock star!" and then he tossed his drum sticks behind him. Then he picked up his sticks and kept repeating this. I could barely contain my laughter! I have no idea how Tyler learned about rock stars.

Summer Fun

Tyler and Calvin splashing in the fountain

All tuckered out. Don't ask me why Tyler insisted
on bringing his bigger trucks to play with in the car.

Bridge Pedal

Pre-Ride: Robert, Christopher, Sandie, Tyler, Renee, & Michael

Waiting in line to start the ride

Tyler in his cushy ride stocked with toys,
snacks, and blankets

Downtown Portland as seen from the Marquam Bridge

Atop the Fremont Bridge

Big Truck Day

In retrospect I should have taken some photos of the many cool trucks that were at Big Truck Day. It turns out I mostly took close-ups of Tyler in the driver's seat of many different trucks. There were all kinds of trucks- emergency vehicles, Oregon Department of Transportation vehicles, box trucks, tractors, monster trucks, etc. So many kids honk the horns of all the trucks that they hand out free ear plugs. Tyler was a little freaked out by all the noise and chaos until we put some ear plugs in his ears.

Tyler driving

Calvin driving

Checking out the big tires

Tyler behind the wheel of a truck that puts down roadway pavement markings.

Listen to Me!

Tyler trying to get Michael's attention in the car: "Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad! Honey! Honey! Honey!"

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Pool

This is a shot of Tyler as we were leaving the pool. I wasn't able to get any photos of him or his friends in the water since I was in the water with him the whole time.
As per previous outings to a pool, Tyler was scared to get in the water. When I carried him into the pool he held on with a death grip for a good half hour or so. Then he finally warmed up and actually started having fun. Even in the shallow water (maybe about 2' deep), he still pretty much sat in my lap or on my outstretched legs the whole time. He did splash around and play with his monkey raft though and he did eventually stand up in the shallow water (while keeping a hand on my arm or shoulder).

Working Hard

Tyler and I were at the library this morning. He found the toy area pretty quickly (no surprise there). Then he saw the three computers for kids loaded with educational video games. Tyler made a beeline for the one empty computer, sat in the chair, put the headphones on, and started pounding away on the keyboard and playing with the mouse like he had done this a million times before. But this was his first time. After I was done perusing books and DVDs for Tyler, I took off his headphones and told him it was time to go check out. Tyler put the headphones right back on and indignantly said, "Tyler is still working hard!" What a character! This makes me wonder what he thinks Michael and I do at work all day.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wacky Hair Day

We used a little hair gel to spike Tyler's hair for Wacky Hair Day at school.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Launching balls up through the tube

Trying to catch the ball floating in the air stream

Last year Tyler would not play in the sand box but he is
finally brave enough to put his feet in the sand.

There is a new crane operator in town!

Tyler thought it was hilarious when he managed to splash water
all over his face and shirt when he washed his hands.

Learning how water gets pumped to houses

Riding out a simulated earthquake with Abuelita

More Park Time

Tyler's favorite fountain (probably because it doesn't spray him in the face)

Abuelito and Tyler made a whale in the sand box.

Faster! Faster!

Friday, August 5, 2011

At the Park

Racing Abuelito down the slide. Tyler is still too scared to go down the big slide on his own. He did go down on my lap and on Abuelito's lap though.

Every once in a while Tyler would say "Tyler dizzy!" but he still wanted to spin in circles.

Having a ball throwing paper airplanes

Snack time

Cruising through the park

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Instead of going to daycare, Tyler is hanging out with Michael's parents while I am at work this week. He is getting a lot of attention and loving it. Apparently today after his nap Tyler requested a banana split, which Michael's parents promptly whipped up for him. Michael and I were quite surprised to learn about this as we have never seen Tyler eat a banana split or talk about one. He did make a little banana split magnet at daycare a few weeks ago so he must have learned about them at school.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

National Night Out

Our local park had festivities this evening in honor of National Night Out.

Our little fireman
Wearing gloves that PGE linemen use to work on power lines

Astoria and Long Beach

Astoria & Long Beach

Click on album above to see photos from our long weekend in Astoria and Long Beach. Click on video below to see Tyler splashing in the Pacific Ocean.