Friday, July 29, 2011

Welcome Damon!

My brother Bryce, his wife Sonia, and son Noah (who turns 2 next month!) welcomed Damon to the family. Yay for Damon! What a cutie.

Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden

Michael's Parents (Abuelita and Abuelito) and Tyler

The ducks and geese followed us around the pond hoping we were going to feed them.

Awww... baby ducks

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Baby on Board

Tyler told one of his teachers at daycare today that his baby sister is growing inside his belly. Apparently it is pretty common for kids his age to think they are pregnant just like Mommy. Tyler will be in for a surprise when my belly gets bigger and his doesn't.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Lightning Bolt

There was a face painter at daycare today. Tyler was too scared of the elaborate face designs to choose from so he instead opted to get a lightning bolt painted on his arm. I suspect he chose the lightning bolt because he likes Lightning McQueen from Cars.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Michael was eating sushi with chopsticks and so Tyler insisted that he get a pair of chopsticks too. He immediately stabbed the middle of his peanut butter and jelly sandwich with the chopsticks and picked it up to take a bite. Of course by the time I got the camera Tyler decided it was much more fun to use the chopsticks as drums or to pretend they were a plane.

Friday, July 22, 2011

More Fun in the Sun

Viola and Tyler had a blast at the park today. Tyler probably would have played in the sand box and fountain all day (even though it was a little cool in the fountain this morning), but he happily followed Viola over to the playground to explore.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Wet and Sandy

Tyler and Christopher. Trying to get 2-year olds to pose together for a photo is nearly impossible!

The walkway separates the sand/mud pit from the water fountain area.

The boys were fascinated by the stream of water that flows into the sand area. Tyler liked to drop the shovel into the water and watch the current carry it through the channel.

Tyler pushing the button to get more water flowing into the sand.

PawPaw should be proud- Tyler actually got dirty at the park today!!!! Maybe he did get a streak of the Hulett gene that likes to get dirty. Tyler certainly prefers to be clean like his parents (particularly Daddy!).
I found a water fountain that is to Tyler's liking. While he does seem to be warming up to the play fountains that spray water, Tyler loved this fountain that just streams water low to the ground. I think he likes that he is in control of the water and there are no surprise sprays that can get him. There is also an adjacent sand/mud pit that both Tyler and Christopher enjoyed. The sand was mostly dry when we first arrived but was thoroughly wet by the time we left.


Tyler has been enjoying a jazz CD that his Tia Ludy sent him. In between songs a narrator on the CD reads lines from a children's book about Duck Ellington and animals at the zoo.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Tyler seems to think so...
Daddy wasn't very comfortable but let Tyler sit this way so he could get in some quiet soccer-watching time.

Summer Reading

Tyler finished his summer reading chart from the library, which wasn't hard to do because he loves being read to. He was quite excited to get the grand prize t-shirt because it has a bicycle on it. This year's reading theme was "Get in Gear!"


Tyler makes me chuckle every time I hear him pronounce these words:
  • use = oose
  • music = oosic
  • hamburger = hangaber

Thursday, July 14, 2011


At dinner tonight Tyler told us that he is half elephant and half cheetah. Michael called dibs on being the cheetah part of that parental equation.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Baby Talk

This morning Ms. Clarybell told me that at daycare Tyler has been talking a lot about how he is going to have a baby sister. (Not sure why he honed in on sister since we have told him it could be a sister or a brother!) Tyler also says that Ms. Gina is going to change his baby sister's diapers at school. Tyler loves Ms. Gina and he often tells other teachers that try to change his diaper that he wants Ms. Gina to change his diaper.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer Fun

Calvin, Christopher, and Tyler

Tyler is more receptive of water fountains this summer than he was last summer. He is not as enthusiastic as his buddies Calvin and Christopher but he did run underneath the water briefly on this outing and actually touched one of the sprayers. For the most part he stood just outside the perimeter of the fountain and shrieked and giggled whenever the bigger sprays of water popped out. Meanwhile, Calvin and Christopher got completely wet and repeatedly ran directly into the spraying water.

Watch Out!

Tyler often uses the phrase "watch out" instead of "excuse me". For instance, as I was peeling shrimp at the kitchen counter this evening, Tyler rolled his race car near my feet and said "Watch out Mommy!" I backed away from the counter so he could push his race car between me and the counter.


Tyler has been very temperamental lately. As you can see in the video above he is not shy about telling you what he wants and throwing a fit when things don't go his way.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Our Little Helper

Tyler decided our grass needed a good sweeping after he saw me sweep the driveway. He was much more interested to help with the broom than he was to pull weeds. Tyler would have helped Daddy edge if we would have let him. I told him he can edge as much as he wants during his teen years!

Friday, July 8, 2011


Tyler and Bebe checking out the boats

Viola and Tyler experiencing the effects of an "earthquake"

Jack, Viola, and Tyler
We had a fun time at OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) today. It is amazing today how fixated the kids get on a single exhibit when there are so many other neat things to go look at too. I felt like we barely even scratched the surface but the kids had fun so that's all that matters.

Fine Art

Tyler brought home two new paintings from daycare yesterday. I was holding the paintings, admiring them, and asking Tyler questions about them when Tyler said, "Don't touch it Mommy! Your hands are dirty." I will have you know that my hands were perfectly clean!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ziggy Update

Crown to rump measurement: 1.3 inches, Heartbeat = 167 beats per minute
Ziggy may not be very big, but we could make out his/her head and arms on the ultrasound today. We could also see Ziggy move around a little bit. I am happy to report that the pregnancy is sailing along smoothly so far.

Hangaber (aka Hamburger)